How to overcome an addiction
Define Addiction
An addiction can be defined as a chronic relapsing disorder characterised by compulsive seeking/ dependency on a substance or activity. It consist of the continued indulgence despite harmful ramifications on physical, mental, social and financial health. The word is most commonly used to characterise a dependency on drugs and substances; Therefore is it not accurate to categorise certain emotions brought about by dependency as equally addictive. The brain is a powerful generator of a multitude of hormones and biochemicals capable of duplicating the highs of drugs to an equal extent if not to superior levels. In that case could it be possible that we are all addicts to some degree? Well, in short, Yes. In other words it is correct to describe an addiction as a habit gone wrong or obsessive when the individual does not feel in control of his actions but is rather controlled by the habit. How to overcome an addiction? How long does it take? Are some of the questions we review in this article.
The different types
Addiction can be genetic, learned, accidental or self induced. I can clearly recall feelings of infatuations so powerful that I felt what I can only describe as spiritual enlightenment at the mere thought of the special one. Is it any coincidence that we nickname our other halves as “Sunshine” or “my angel”? The bible describes it as the “desires of the flesh” or “man’s sinful nature” in the argument that by default we are all born corrupt. While “Sins” are mostly associated with the pleasures of the senses they are not thus limited to their physical nature. Some come deeply rooted within the corruption of the heart and the mind. The rewards sought after by the addiction are as much psychological as they are physical. The ultimate addictions combines both, hence our four runner ups in no particular order: Sex, alcohol, drugs and gambling . Other forms of addiction such as food, sugar, social media, gaming and anxiety are more insidious. In the world of addiction all are not created equal but on the long run similarly share the element of turning self destructive.
The perfect recipe
It is clear that for an addiction to take hold of an individual certain elements must be present in the appropriate measures. Yes my friend there is such a thing as the addiction recipe. In the novel “Perfume, the story of a murderer”, Master Perfumist, Baldini explains the concept of perfume making to Jean Baptiste Grenouille as follows: “Just like a musical cord, a perfume contains three cords for its musical affinity. The head cord contains the first impression lasting a few minutes before giving way to the heart cord theme of the perfume that last several hours. Finally the base cord the trail of the perfume lasting several days.” In the same way the post addictive behaviour has several cords. The element of desire in the present moment preceded by the experience itself and finally the element of longing way after the experience has passed. Addiction does not grow in the presence of the stimuli but rather in its absence or lack there of. Therefore it is acceptable to say that addiction grows within the fertile grounds of the mind. Remove one element and disrupt the whole chain of event. Ruin the recipe.
What’s the good news
Is there any difference between addiction and desire? To desire is human nature and not inherently wrong in itself but addiction on the other hand is an individual turned slave to his desire. With that established, what’s the good news? I have lived and desired long enough to come to the understanding that to every yin there is a yang, to every light a shadow, to every poison its remedy and to every problem its solution. This is a law of the universe and that is just how it is. And let there be light. Open the curtains for willpower. It has been argued that human beings only hold a measurable amount of it. After application of willpower and therefore its depletion the individual is left to the demise of ones addiction. This theory is questionable. I believe that willpower is a bit like a muscle. The measure of the strength one can exert will be equal to the amount of training that muscle has undergone. In my daily life I seek for opportunities to train my willpower in small ways. Pushing myself towards completing the small tasks that I hate is not something I do not for the benefit of the task itself but the reward of knowing I am building my willpower each day and am progressing towards stronger mental agility. This practice has created in me a willpower of iron and also provides me with the rewarding feelings of growth and progress. This is why I make my bed, take out the trash daily, wash my glass after using it, floss and the list goes on of small annoying and seemingly insignificant tasks. For me the completion of the tasks are secondary benefits to the bodybuilding of my willpower skills. It may sound simple stupid. But what if simple stupid was the opening act to freedom.
My food addiction
I have had many addictions in my life but non compared to my food addiction. I simply cannot stop when I get started. Am serious, I use to feel that the feeling of satiety was something I never experienced. I just could go on and go. I still have addictions. But for everyday that passes, I am actively building my willpower and setting myself a little bit more free one day at a time. In this mindset of progress and determination what beautiful, beautiful way to live ones life. 1% better everyday. High five my friend. While willpower is a major player in this battle, willpower alone is not enough. Two more elements are necessary.
Distraction and time
You see at least talking for my own experience, an addiction cannot be eliminated. It feeds on its substance or activity like a cancer feeds on glucose. Cut off the food and it becomes weaker; it starves although I believe it never completely goes away. An addiction has to be replaced with something else; preferably something as powerful and valuable to you in your life. The brain works in its own ways. It acts as a magnifying glass; in which ever direction or object/ feeling comes under its attention it will be magnified and multiplied. Therefore placing the focus of our minds away on something new and more valuable is the way you want to go. Let the mind do its work and the addiction will be history. Your health and fitness is a great example of something you wish your mind focusses towards. It is what has worked best for me. For others it could be their children, family, career, life dream, life calling, a legacy, marriage, spirituality etc…
Question you must ask yourself
Ask yourself what is it that you want most. More than your addiction. What’s the most important thing in your life. What do you want so bad that would be worth sacrificing your addiction for. I remember a time when my whole life design was set in such a way for me to have access and satisfy my addiction. That is not living life on your terms. That is living in servitude to your addiction. When you find the answer it will be time to place the magnifying glass over this particular goal and let the mind do the work. Become obsessed with your new found goal. Excel in the art of displacement and distraction.
Understand though that your addiction was not built in one day; it took a long time and for some of us got reinforced in a life time. Redirecting your focus towards a better goal will equally take time. How much? No body can tell; but one thing I know is it is all in your hands.
Food for thought
It has been so exciting writing this article. who ever you are and where ever you are; if you have read until here I can tell you that roots of disruption has already made way deep in your mind. Digest the words you have read. Walk away and let that uncontrollable germination take place inside you. Let the process begin and allow yourself to be pulled naturally towards it. Do not fear, have courage and believe. You did not stumble upon these words by accident. The time is now, there was never a better moment. Live your life by design not as a slave to your impulses. If you fall, dust off the dirt and practice getting back up. 1% stronger everyday, 2% faster recovery time after a fall, 50% more confident each time you progress and 100% willpower next year at the exact same time.