Best ways to lose weight
10 steps to complete transformation –
The M Commandments
When I look back at the mistakes I made in the past, I do not see them as failures but more as lessons. Although the only loss was time that I can never get back, I am hoping to set for you a strong wake-up call in the story of my experience and how I finally achieved my goal.
In the M commandments program that follows, I intend on deconstructing the universal secrets of weight loss to its simplest form. It is not surprising that weight loss practices outlined below has come with the side effects of a renewed youth or as I like to call it the activation of reversed ageing. Although it was always desirable I sometimes feel that I stumbled upon the anti-ageing process by accident on my journey to weight loss. A transformed skin, elimination of acne, disappearance of fine line wrinkles, stronger hair and nails, increased energy, disappearance of body aches, improved mood and mental acuity the list is endless. The whole Idea of integrating the weight loss and longevity aspects came to me a few months ago after I had turned 40. For the next months that followed, I saw a repeating pattern of comment each time I mentioned my age to someone new. The reaction was the same over and over again, surprise and disbelief, “I would never have guessed!”, “I thought you were in your late twenties!”, “You do not have a single line on your face!” are some of the comments I would hear repeatedly. Call me superstitious but I carry the deep rooted belief that when something is repeated to you constantly, it is a sign. Life’s way of pointing you into a direction to initiate action. And here we are at the beginning of creating a whole new set of habits for the purpose of creating a whole new you. The infinite amount of information available today about weight loss is such that it can confuse and put off our best intentions. As a billion dollar industry the fitness industry is forever expanding with new fad diets, supplements, vitamins and equipment. The number of claims and guarantees are enough to make one’s head spin and one’s wallet deplete on sight. With my own personal experience, I bring to you my 10 simple rules for weight loss, health and anti-ageing. Irrespective of your race, gender, age, blood type, dietary requirements the rules apply to you as long as you belong to the human race. It will be scientifically impossible for the fat not to melt like butter provided you follow the rules to the letter. I have experienced it first hand and so have the many others who have implement the M commandments to their lives. As we begin with your journey, I am so excited for you as your life is about to transform in a way you cannot imagine. Let this one shot you take be a committed and powerful decision, no dabbling around here. This life is yours and your time has come. Are you ready?
The M Commandments
- You shall not have any sugar or product containing the latter. Practice and learn to read a label.
- You shall not have any refined goods. Flour, Bread, Pastry, Biscuit, Pasta, Noodles; out with the beige and in with the green.
- You shall not make processed food your Idol. If it comes in a pack, it does not go in the rack.
- You shall have a variety of food, vitamins and nutrients. Whole foods in their natural form are superior. Eat them to your heart’s content.
- Alcohol and Tobacco are your enemies. They shall be avoided like a plague.
- Honour your wellbeing and allow the body to heal itself. Fasting and Meditation.
- You shall not take your sleep and rest in vain. Sleeplessness and late nights are forbidden, daily adequate sleep is a must.
- You shall chose your method of cooking wisely. Prepare your own meals, do not eat out.
- You shall not be a stranger to motion. Exercise daily.
- You shall sought for daily hydration, oxygen and sunlight.

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