
As far as I can recall, I have always struggled with my weight. I sometimes refer to the first half of my life as a Dodo life. A sad one living in hiding, avoiding outings, sports and therefore missing out on many social interactions. A report from one of my school teachers once mentioned “often seen daydreaming in class” I now recall imagining what it would be like to be somebody else and many times imaged myself in the future as a strong, fit and happy me. Because of this very unpleasant reality, I chose to dwell in the inside imaginary world of my mind while life passed me by. This internal world was my only secure warm place void of judgment, pain and criticism. If I remain inside long enough I would never have to face criticism and hopefully the world would forget about me all together. But if you want my take about the real Dodo story, that is a topic for later. I was a fat kid, turned skinny fat during my teenage years and back to fat during most of my adult life. While some may consider that I use the term ‘fat’ loosely it is nonetheless how I felt. 

I tried many over the counter pills, engaged in countless diets; the cabbage soup, calorie restrictions, the low carb diet, eating for my blood type, the military diet and many more. While I experience momentary changes with some, others did little to no noticeable changes. I therefore out of desperation over the years considered noninvasive surgery. I thought that if I managed to get rid somehow of the suborn belly fat I would be satisfied living the rest of my days in a somewhat “normal” body.

When I look back now it was quite a funny time in my early adulthood when I embarked on an adventure with carbon dioxide needle injections, laser and finally liposuction “by accident” or let say by misinformation. A funny time yes but not without excruciating painful lessons, unscrupulous surgeons and many disillusions. I remember my disappointment turning to despair when I saw the fat pile back up not once but in volume 50% higher than before after all my endeavours. It is not just an unexpected occurring to have the body fat lost in surgery return but it is a common observation amongst many people all over the world. Mine to returned with a vengeance. In recent studies it became evident that the body would work ten times harder to replace any fat lost too rapidly or in an unnatural way. A metabolic survival mechanism I experienced first hand.

My day dreaming back in school and hiding indoors did not do any good to my academic success, it fact it made me a less than average pupil in most subject. My refusal to face difficulty and avoidance of discomfort did not become just a life style but my identity and this insecurity tainted every single aspect of my life. Academic, physical, social and mental. This is no sad story I guarantee it. In fact it is the story of a Dodo turned Falcon warrior as I like to think of it. This Blog is the offspring of over 1000 hours of online research online and my completion of studies in the areas of fitness, personal training, weight loss, nutrition and the practice of mindfulness.

The work put in achieving the above pales in comparison to the living experience in achieving a 12% body fat percentage and a will power to be reckoned with. It is said that it is easier for an individual to make their first million than achieving a six pack. This is definitely accurate for me. Using my knowledge of fitness principles in achieving my physical goals is a skill I have mastered. Along with my own small life experience, I have decided to apply similar principles in mastering my mind. I believe that a mind out of line and focus is a life out of line and focus.

I have considered my mind and body as a laboratory. The stories in this blog are very personal and so are the opinions shared with you. They are the first hand lessons of my experiments depicted as honestly as I possibly can. The tests, the trials, the success and the failures. The no B.S truth of a life style approach to a stronger, happier and healthier you.

While I am no specialist or doctor of medicine and I do not disclaim their expertise, I find that personal human storyline have the power to inspire and transform. And that is all I can wish and hope my story brings to you. I am an average guy, of below average stature, from a humble background experiencing health at an optimum level and living an extraordinarily happy life. I have learned how to create new behaviors and habits that stands the test of time to support my financial, physical and spiritual growth.

Throughout my journey I take a look at stress, addiction and health optimization with a focus on longevity. The title “Minus ten years” does not come lightly, the process on reverse ageing is for me not a question; it is a conviction which I intend to prove through my own physical life experience. This is how it begins…

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